Welcome to my blog! I've been wanting to set-up a blog since Chad and I were married in 2009, and here it is 2011 and I'm just now getting around to it. My goal is to update this blog weekly to keep friends and family posted about the many adventures in the Prentice household and of course, with the upcoming happenings of our Baby girl who is expected to arrive on or around May 21st.
As the title alludes to, I have been on bed rest since yesterday per doctor's orders. I have been struggling with high blood pressure at the last few appointments and this week, my blood pressure was too high for my doctor's comfort, so that along with the swelling I have been having caused the bed rest orders. I won't be able to go off of bed rest until at least Tuesday of next week, at which time I will have a re-check appointment. I thought bed rest sounded somewhat nice, until I realized what it involves. Basically, the only time I can get up is to go to the bathroom or to take a quick shower. That, plus the fact that we only have basic cable, has led to a bit of boredom on my part. Also, it will be weird to not be able to attend Easter service for probably the first time ever. However, since yesterday, I have already nearly finished one book and have plenty of parenting books left to go through :)
Chad has been absolutely wonderful through this. He comes home over lunch to fix us something and has been making great dinners for us as well. He made turkey burgers on our grill last night - yummy!!
We, of course, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our daughter. We have her room stocked and ready to go, or at least we think we have everything we need! On top of the high blood pressure I've been having, I am also measuring 2 1/2 - 3 weeks early. We go for an ultrasound next week to find out more about what this means. My guess is that she is just a big baby like mommy (I was over 9 pounds), but hopefully we will know more after the ultrasound. So, though her due date is still about a month away, we wouldn't be surprised if she makes an early entrance.
Thanks for visiting! I also am an avid follower of Dave Ramsey, the financial guru, so I'm sure there will also be some blog posts about our adventures on the Dave Ramsey plan.