Sunday, August 4, 2013

Luke Updates

Luke is growing up so fast!  I probably don't see it as much since I'm with him practically 24/7, but I can tell he's growing because he's getting much heavier to carry around.

It's hard to believe, but he is almost sitting up independently.  I'm thinking in a few weeks, he will be much better with his balance.  He tends to fall over to one side or the other right now, but can sit independently for 20-30 seconds at a time.

Practicing sitting up with help from Daddy.

Sitting up on his own!

We took Luke swinging this past weekend for the first time and he loved it!  Actually, I had first taken him swinging a few days before, but I didn't have my camera and it happened by chance.  During the day, we went to the park while Chad was working; I needed to lift Meredith up to the swing and couldn't do it while holding Luke, so I sat him in the baby swing briefly and he started smiling and then laughing.  He took to it very well!

Mr. Funny Face

Swinging with Sissy

Love that smile

Love this picture (minus the Cardinals hat!)

Lately, the only thing she wants to do at the park is swing. 

Luke has started to go through bibs at about the same fast rate as his big sister.  But, not for the same reason.  While Meredith was our spitter-upper, Luke is our slobber monster.  He slobbers all the time, regardless of whether he is chewing on anything.  Still no teeth, though!