Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Baby Dedication

This past weekend, we dedicated Luke at our church.  We took an oath before everyone there that we would raise Luke in a Christ-centered home and church, thereby dedicating his life to the Lord.  It will be so amazing to see what our children will become in Christ one day.  In the meantime, it's such a good reminder for us to remember that we're not just taking care of our children's physical needs (food, clothing, shelter), but we are to be their guide in their spiritual walk as well.  Definitely puts a new perspective on my journey as a stay-at-home mom.  Well, that's probably another post in and of itself.

Here's some pictures from that day:

Chances of both kids looking at the camera at the same time:  Zero!

Luke loved the waterfall behind us...this is what most of the pictures looked like, just seeing the back of his head.  I don't blame him though, it was pretty!

Yay!  A keeper picture.

With Grandma and Grandpa Perry

With Grandma and Grandpa Prentice

With Pastor Mike Baker

The Prentice Family