Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween Time

We had a great Halloween with both kiddos!  Luke reminded us of how Meredith was that first year - very unaware of what was going on.  I took the kids to the library in the morning, then we went to the mall and around our neighborhood later that evening.  By far, the most fun was walking around the neighborhood.  Thankfully, the rain held off just long enough for us to hit most houses on our street.  It was so fun to see Meredith knock on the door and say trick or treat.  She, of course, wanted to grab lots of candy when the neighbors just handed her the bucket and let her choose.  Our next door neighbor was so sweet and in addition to candy, gave Meredith a puzzle and Luke a football.  So kind!

I planned to have them go as Pebbles and Bam-Bam, but I never got the costumes made and it probably would have been too chilly in Illinois to make it work.  Here are some pictures of our little owl and tigger:

You can even see Tigger's tail in this picture :)

Luke was finished at this point.

A little blurry, but this was taken at the mall.  Luke was so tired!