Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Carseat

Luke is growing up!  So much so, that he finally outgrew his infant seat.  It only went up to 22 pounds and I think he's probably right around 20 now.  He is now in the same type of seat as Meredith, only rear-facing.  We'll keep him rear-facing as long as possible (at the rate his legs are growing, that may not be too much longer)!

Mr. Big Boy

Meredith wanted her photo taken, too.

Here is our current set-up (minus the boxes surrounding Meredith and the misplaced monkey mirror - I fixed those after taking this photo).  Meredith gets the backseat all to herself, Luke gets to look at her during trips, and I have a ton of room to get everyone situated since the bucket seat behind the driver's seat is stowed away.