Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Twist on Freezer Cooking

Guess what I found out about last week?  Perhaps it's the best kept secret in freezer cooking.  Drum can freeze peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Who knew?!  This, along with tons of other great information, came from my favorite blogger Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom.  The blog post I came across can be found here.  I'm so pumped that I will be able to go to one of her sessions at the upcoming Hearts at Home conference in March!

I'm not a peanut butter fan at all, but Meredith and Chad really like PB&J sandwiches.  I also found out a neat idea from Crystal...putting honey on your sandwiches.  I had Chad try one out before I froze a ton to see how he liked it and he said it was really good.  It will be so nice to have sandwiches ready to go in the freezer, that can be pulled out that morning and will defrost either in the refrigerator or lunchbox just in time for lunch.  One less thing to do with two demanding kids wanting to eat NOW! (cue Luke pounding on his high chair).

I also discovered that I can freeze quesadillas (I use tortillas and roll it up with ground beef/chicken/pork and cheese).  I've successfully done ground beef this week, so I hope to see how the shredded chicken and pork do in the freezer.  I hope to do much more freezer cooking over the next few months, since I need to fill up our new deep freezer!

Ingredients ready!

Step #2 done!

Close-up of the sandwiches

All ready for the freezer!