Summer doesn't officially begin until June, but we are pumped about the few recent weeks of super nice weather. Meredith has been asking for about 4 weeks now when the pool will be open. We keep telling her how many weeks are left and then we got into the number of days left and we were finally able to go on opening day on Saturday! Meredith keeps trying to "swim like a fish" (as she says) in the bathtub, so we were all looking forward to the pool opening :)
Meredith took a little while to get comfortable in the water, probably because it was so cool. But once she did, she was very eager and enjoyed the water. She went down the big yellow slides with Daddy and Mommy and even once by herself (with a little push from Mommy). Luke seemed really excited about it, but once we got his feet in he was scared. It will probably just take him a while to warm up to it.
This was our first time in town for Memorial Day in a few years, so it was nice to have a 3-day weekend to relax. We ended up going to the pool two of the three days. We also went to Morraine View State Park and walked along the dock, then had a picnic lunch at a small park in Leroy on the way home. Beautiful weekend!
My pretty girl. |
This girl is obsessed with dandelions. Needless to say, we finally applied weed 'n feed to the backyard this weekend....hehe :) |
As long as it took for Mommy to take this picture was as long as they stayed in this spot. Way too close to the water for our comfort! |
It was bright out! |
Last summer, all she wanted to do was swing at the park. This summer, she loves the slides. |
They look so much alike here, with their gray shirts and red hats (okay, and the red hair helps too!). |
Mommy and Luke. |
Why won't toddlers (AKA: Meredith) cooperate for pictures? |
So cute in his little trunks. This time last year, he was only 3 months old and spent most of the time sleeping in his stroller while Meredith swam. |
This is what happened most of the time we tried to put him in the water. If we went in while holding him, he did much better. |
We brought a ball with us to play with at the pool. It's a GREAT way to make instant friends :) |
She was practicing holding her nose. |