Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend this year, filled with a birthday party and swimming.  Meredith has a cousin named Charlotte who is just two weeks younger than her, so we went to Charlotte's 1st birthday party in Rushville, Illinois over Memorial Day weekend.  After visiting with family for a few days, we returned to Bloomington and hit up State Farm Park's pool with Meredith.  We don't have any pictures of the latter event, but we were really excited that with each pool experience, she is beginning to like it more and is becoming more comfortable with the water.  It did help that it was in the 90s all weekend and the water felt WONDERFUL!

So, back to the birthday party.  I say Meredith's cousin, but it is actually her second cousin (Chad's cousin's daughter).  Confused yet?  Well, Meredith only has one uncle (my brother) and until he has children, she will never have any first cousins.  I'm still struggling to wrap my mind around it, since I have 20 first cousins myself.  Anyhow, it's nice to see that Meredith has several second cousins right around her age; It makes for very fun extended family visits.

What a hot day!

Having fun with Daddy!

Meredith couldn't resist helping Charlotte break-in her new toys.

"Can I take this home with me?"

Meredith LOVED the dog!  He didn't seem to mind her bothering him. (Also, I love all of her rolls in this picture.)

OK, so if you flip back and forth between the last picture and this one, you can see what Meredith was doing do the dog.  She kept pounding it and laughing.  At least he didn't mind :)

On the way out of town, we stopped at Subway to eat dinner.  Of course, Meredith spit up on the way out so we stripped her down for the car ride back.  It made sense, though, with the 90 degree heat.