Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fire Station

This morning, Meredith and I visited a local fire station, to learn all about firemen, safety, and of course, to see firetrucks!  My friend Candice organized the meet-up, along with several other stay-at-home moms (oh, and one stay-at-home dad) and their kiddos.  It was really fun and will be even more fun when Meredith is a bit older and not too scared to sit in the firetruck.

Other stay-at-home parents and kids from our group.

The firefighter showed us how he looked with all of the gear on.  Needless to say, most of the kids were scared once he put the mask on.
Meredith looking very cautiously at the firefighter once he had his full gear on.

Adjacent to the fire station was "Safety Town", complete with fire station-type playground equipment. 
Here is the park!
Here she is with friends, Josie and Lauren.  She had a blast!

Future Fire Chief!