Tuesday, October 30, 2012


It's that time of year...H-A-LL-O-W-EE-N.  I spelled it like that for a reason.  Anyone growing up in Flora public schools will remember a song we sang with Mrs. Burt.  "H", "A", Double L, "O", "W", Double E, "N", spells Halloween.  Too hard to convey the tune with written words, but I always think of that song when I write out the word Halloween. 

Last year, Meredith went as a Duck and I must say, it was much easier to take pictures.  Now that she is so mobile, it was very difficult.  We took 40+ pictures and I didn't really get a good one this year.  Oh well, it made for an interesting evening. 

2011 at 5 months old.

This year Meredith went as Little Red Riding Hood and we took her to downtown Normal to parade around with the other kids, show off her costume, and of course, pick up loads of candy for Chad and I to eat :)  Well, we took one look around, snapped a picture, and got out of there.  As you can see in the picture, there was a huge crowd and long lines, which doesn't make me a happy camper.  Plus, it was a bit too cold to have her out in a thin costume for very long.  

2012 at 17 months.

She figured out how the basket works.

She loves her Daddy!

Meredith being silly and swinging the cape around.  Time for bed!