Monday, October 22, 2012


Lately, I have been catching up with Meredith's baby book.  It's about time, since the next one will be here before long.  Kind of a lengthy story, but I had originally typed milestones (e.g., crawling, first steps, first foods, etc.) with dates into a spreadsheet on my laptop, so then I could satisfy my OCD tendencies and write everything gracefully in her baby book with no mistakes.  Well, my laptop crashed and I lost it along with my coupon database.  I was so bummed!!  It was out of commission for a few months, but Chad's friend was able to recover it for us :)  Yay for computer geeks!  (Oh, and I don't think I'll be in trouble for calling them geeks, since his friend is on our church's IT ministry which is called "Jesus Geeks".)

Okay, so back to my original thought.  After filling in her baby book, I realized that she has not come as far as I thought a soon-to-be 18-month old would be in terms of her vocabulary.  She has really only learned the word "hi" over the past 4-5 months.  Before that it was just mom and dad.

I think she is probably behind because when we go into the doctor's office they ask us if we have hit certain milestones and at her 15-month appointment, she should have been able to say at least 5-6 words.  Plus, I think Chad and I push her too quickly sometimes to certain milestones and then we can't believe she's growing up so fast...go figure!  I find that she knows 90% of what we talk about or ask her, but she just doesn't verbalize it or use very many signs.  Well, today alone, she learned two words....yay!!!  I asked her where the apple was in the picture and she said "ap-pa" and pointed to it.  Good enough for me.  Then later, I told her to chill as we were trying to hold her down to get her coat on and she said "chi".  Very similar to how she says church.  So, now she can say the following words, with her pronunciation in parenthesis:

  • Mom (ma-ma, mum, ma)
  • Dad (da-da, da)
  • Hi (hiiiiii) 
  • Amen (men)
  • Church (chch)
  • Apple (ap-pa)
  • Chill (chi)

Of course, I will probably be one of those parents that is the only one who can understand what my kid says, while everyone else just nods and smiles when she says her words.  Oh well, it is totally worth it!