Thursday, November 29, 2012

Family Pictures

It's that time of year again....time for family pictures!  Actually, it's a time to get Meredith's pictures for Christmas and then get a few of Chad and I with her :)  We opted for an early Sunday morning photo shoot, hoping they wouldn't be too busy, but alas it was crowded as usual.  Guess it's just that time of the year.  We had to reschedule once because of a bruise Meredith had around her eye, due to a fall off the slide, so we didn't want to push the date back again.  Meredith did surprisingly well in the actual photo shoot, much to our amazement.  She is usually so squirmy for pictures we try to take.  However, trying to hold her still while we chose our favorite pictures was a different story.  Next time we'll have to take a sitter along with us!

All decked out for Christmas

What a big girl she is getting to be!

Our little bookworm :)
Hard to tame down all of the hair in the back :)
The Prentice Family
I love this picture, especially since we didn't get any professional pregnancy pictures while I was carrying Meredith.  It won't be long and we will be a family of four!