Here is a list of her new words. Each day she seems to copy at least one word we say, so I guess we should be watching our tongues very carefully :)
- Cat (ca)
- Bubble (sounds just like the word)
- Bye (we are working on having her say it as she is waving. I was so touched that just a few minutes ago as I was putting her down for bed, she looked over and said "bye" as I turned off the light. Such a sweet girl!)
- Ow
- OK (Oooooo-K)
- Papa (usually just pa)
- Ball (ba)
- Tickle/Tackle (sounds like ta at the beginning and can be used to mean either of these words. We tickle her all the time and she tickles others, while she tackles Chad in their nightly playtime.)
- Baby (apparently, she has said this twice now and I have missed it both times :( She said it in front of our small group Sunday and said it to Chad at Toys R Us tonight, and I missed it both times.)
PS - On an unrelated note, Meredith has learned to climb pretty well now. She uses her little foam Elmo chair for support and carries it over to the couch or ottoman and climbs right up. Thankfully, she is learning to get down much more gracefully than before, though she still likes to jump up and down on the furniture which gives me a heart attack! Unfortunately, she has shown signs of trying to climb on the railing of her crib, but she can't get a good enough grip...thank goodness :)
I am trying to let her walk more when we go out places, since my sciatica is flaring up in this pregnancy and lifting a solid 25 pound toddler is getting to be a bit much. I'm hopeful she continues to be more independent when climbing the stairs to her room and eventually will be able to go down (we haven't even attempted to show her that yet).