Thursday, April 11, 2013

Goodbye 20s, Hello 30s!

I can't believe that I'm 30 today!!  Where has the time gone?  I'm sure this is what my parents are asking themselves today, also.  Though I've kind of had a hard time wrapping my mind around being in my 30s, I decided to list all the GREAT things that happened to me while in my 20s.  If my 30s are as great as my 20s were, then I'm in for an awesome decade.
  • Moved out of my hometown (2003).  I left the only home I'd ever known, which my parents still live in, to move up to Normal to attend ISU.
  • Graduated from ISU (2005).
  • Began my first professional job (2005).
  • Graduated from ISU again, with my MBA (2007).
  • Met the love of my life! (2007)
  • Got married to the love of my life! (2009)
  • Went on a breath-taking European honeymoon (and flew on a plane for the first time, from Chicago to Rome!) (2009).
  • Became a homeowner (2009).
  • Became a mommy (2011).
  • Became a stay-at-home mommy (2011).
  • Gave birth to my second child (2013).
Can you tell a trend here?....I always joke with Chad that all my amazing life experiences (including my own birth in 1983, getting my license in 1999, and graduating high school in 2001) happen on odd years.  Kind of weird if you ask me.

Well, here's to my 30s!  It's amazing to think that by the time I hit 40, Meredith will be 11 and Luke will be 10.  Crazy!