Monday, April 15, 2013

Visit to Flora

The first weekend in April, we made our first trip with Luke to Flora to show him off to family and friends.  It was a gorgeous weekend, one of the first nice ones of the year.  We also attended my cousin Shannon's wedding.  The kids did relatively well during the wedding and reception.  Here are some pictures from our trip:

Life's always better with Uncle Derek :)
She loves sitting on the porch swing at my parents house.  Oh, and she loves hanging out with Grandpa Perry when he plays his guitar. 
All ready for the wedding!
Mr. and Mrs. Prentice :)
Four generations on the Reed side.
Meredith "dancing" with mommy's cousin, Shannon.
Four generations on the Perry side.
My little angel!  He was amazing during the wedding/reception and slept the entire 2.5+ hour trip from Flora to Bloomington.  I couldn't ask for a better baby.