We have officially hit a milestone....not a good one, though. The terrible 2's are alive and kicking in the Prentice household. We thought Meredith hit them a few months ago, but that must just have been a preview, because this is the real deal now. It's kind of like when a woman has false labor. You think you're in labor, but then later when you are really in labor, you know the difference. Well, we know the difference now!
If you look at Meredith the wrong way, she ends up throwing her body on the floor in a fit of rage. It's quite frustrating, to say the least. Especially when we are outside and she has the potential to seriously injure herself doing that on the concrete. At the same time she is going through this phase, she is also excelling in other areas.
One of Meredith's favorite activities nowadays is coloring. She loves to sit for 20-30 minutes at a time and just color on the floor. She is getting pretty good at it, too. I'm finding it's a very educational activity, since she learns names of objects/shapes in the pictures and also can tell you what nearly any color is when you ask her. She is also getting good at coloring objects and kind of staying within the lines:
We have also started potty training Meredith. It's going okay. We're not as intentional as we need to be, by taking her to the bathroom every hour for instance, so it may take a while. I just find it hard to be consistent while also having a newborn underfoot. However, she had her first pee in the potty on April 10th. It took probably 15 minutes of her sitting there by Chad to do it, but she did! I was so surprised. Then, this past weekend, she went another 3-4 times (all with Chad, may I add) and had one accident while in the bathroom. Not too bad for just a few days of trying. We're not really sure if she understands the concept, since it takes her so long to go, but it's a start. She just came up to me as I'm writing this blog and said "I poop" and sure enough, she did. So, she's definitely ready to be potty trained!
Meredith's vocabulary is also surprising us everyday. She is starting to put words together to make phrases. I went out to eat dinner with friends earlier in the week and she told Daddy, "Mommy eat friends". Some of her phrases are funny! She has finally learned the word "grandma". She has been able to say "grandpa" for probably two months now. I'm sure her grandmas are very happy now.